Selasa, 29 Juni 2010


Hello world, please let me talk about my story on these day.
I know you guys are too lazy for read this post (-_-)
Well, i always had a great time and best day even though i have no activities for this two weeks !
Hari2 gue biasa dipenuhi dengan nonton world cup sampe2 jadwal tidur gue berantakan (ah i hate that words) tapi bener sih, no offense for me, it is fun !
Sehari2 gw hanya bisa online, nonton film, dan berakhir dengan taruhan bola sama temen hahaha useless ? No, it's just for fun, i'm not usually do that karena kalo gue taruhan tiap babak gue bisa BANGKRUT !
This week, i just waiting for my payday !
And yes gue belom gajian dan itu membuat dompet gue terlihat seret, hemm (-_-) so how could i pay those bet and for my prom night ?! Aaargh.
But i know, sooner or later my payday will come although i don't know when T_T

Hey i really enjoyed this useless activities but it's just for a while !
I'm not going to stand up all night and end up in my bed forever !
I have something to do di pertengahan Juli nanti.
Yes, back to my normal activities such as work, hang out, and work again, duh !
Hey i've got a first job being an MC with my best friend.
Dan itu juga dimulai di pertengahan Juli nanti, but it's fine, i was so excited and very glad to hear that !
Finally, bakat ngebacot gue bisa tersalurkan.
Hemm anyway, gue abis beberes kamar dan itu selalu gue lakukan disaat gue lagi ga ada kerjaan.
My room is full because of my stuffs !!
Coretan di dinding, pernak pernik, kabel2, segala macem udah penuh di kamar gue.
Ah crap !
Rame banget sih ini kamar (-_-) tapi ada yang kurang, yaitu TV !
Ntar gue beli TV 21" ah buat di kamar, dan pastinya gue bakal lebih lama meng-autis dikamar gue.

My room is my second house !
And so ? Any problem with that ?
Tapi masalahnya gue selalu kesepian dan ga ada temen, hemm i think i need a room mate !
Gue selalu punya keinginan untuk beli apartement dan tinggal disana bertiga atau berdua sama temen2 gue !
Jadinya ada temen gitu, misalnya gue ngajak Dea yang jago masak dan demen beberes, jadi gue ga perlu cape2 buat beberes kamar hahaha ngga deng, atau ga Tania yang suka kerapihan, jadi gue bisa berleyeh2 hahaha.
No, it's just a joke guys, i don't mean it for sure.
But as you know, apartement it's not cheap and it makes me hopeless for it.
Hemm, i think i have to find a new job with a great salary (semua orang pasti kaya gitu juga !)
Gue tau, impian gue ini ketinggian and doesn't makes any sense but i think it's time for me to move out and get a new life, ALONE.
I can get a job, berjuang sendiri buat hidup gue, mengeluarkan semua bakat gue, dan menjadi sukses biar orang tua bangga sama gue.
Hey it's far enough to talk about it !
Itu emang kejauhan sih but that's the way i feel right now.
Nanti juga pasti gue berubah pikiran, namanya juga masih ababil ah !
Well that's all i want to say pokonya i always had a best day of my life.
I wish it's for my long lasting life, forever.
Cheers :D

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